Frequently Asked Questions

The SHRM track is a specialized learning path within the Executive Program, focusing on strategic human resources management.

The tracks consists of an average of 80 guided learning hours.

Yes, you can explore other tracks like Strategic Business Management (SBM), Strategic Finance Management (SFM), and Strategic Marketing Management (SMM).

There might be prerequisites for certain courses within the tracks. Please review the course details for specific requirements.

No, you’ll need to complete your current track before considering a switch to another track.

Upon subscribing to the tracks, you’ll gain immediate access to the track components and courses.

Yes, a certificate of completion is generated for each course you successfully complete within the tracks.

You’ll have access to the track components and courses for the duration of your subscription period.

No, your access to the track content will end when your subscription period concludes.

Course components may include assignments or assessments to enhance your learning experience.

You can request a 7-day extension for your subscription through the provided process.

While there may not be a strict order, following the sequence of the courses can enhance your learning experience.

You can contact the support team using the contact details provided on the Certifeka website.

Course content is typically accessed online through the Certifeka platform.

Certificates of completion are usually generated shortly after successfully completing each course.

The specific assessment structure may vary by course, but exams or assessments may be included to gauge your understanding.

The MBA program for strategic management from Certifeka refers to level 7 of the ATHE (Awards for Training and Higher Education) framework. This program focuses on developing advanced knowledge and skills in strategic management, enabling learners to gain a deeper understanding of strategic planning, implementation, and analysis within organisations.

The program is designed for individuals who already possess a relevant undergraduate degree or extensive professional experience in the field of business and management. It aims to provide learners with the necessary tools and techniques to formulate effective strategies, make informed business decisions, and navigate complex challenges in today’s competitive business environment.

The prerequisites for enrolling in the the MBAprogram for strategic management include the following:

A first degree in Business, Management, or related subjects: Applicants should hold a bachelor’s degree in Business, Management, or a closely related field from a recognised institution. This degree serves as a foundation for the advanced knowledge and skills required in the strategic management program.
Level 6 qualification, such as an ATHE Diploma in Management: Alternatively, applicants can demonstrate their eligibility by possessing a level 6 qualification, such as an ATHE Diploma in Management or an equivalent international qualification. This indicates a sufficient level of prior knowledge and understanding in the field of management.

Additionally, applicants must meet the English language proficiency requirements, which can be demonstrated through one of the following:

  • IELTS (International English Language Testing System) with a score of 5.5 or above.
  • Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) with a B2 level or higher.
  • Cambridge English Advanced (CAE) with a score of 162 or above.
  • Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic with a score ranging from 42 to 49.

Meeting these prerequisites ensures that learners have the necessary academic background and language skills to fully engage with and benefit from the ATHE program for strategic management.

The completion time for the MBA program in strategic management typically ranges from 6 to 12 months. However, the exact duration may vary depending on factors such as the study mode (full-time or part-time), the learning pace of the individual learner, and any additional flexibility or customisation options 

Generally, the program is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles and practices within a relatively condensed timeframe, allowing learners to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills efficiently.

  • Strategic Human Resources Management: This module focuses on the strategic aspects of managing human resources within organisations, including recruitment, talent development, performance management, and employee engagement.
  • Strategic Planning: This module explores the process of developing and implementing strategic plans, including analysing the external business environment, setting goals and objectives, formulating strategies, and monitoring progress.
  • Strategic Marketing: This module delves into the principles and techniques of strategic marketing, including market analysis, segmentation, targeting, positioning, branding, and marketing communication strategies.
  • Corporate Communication Strategy: This module examines the role of effective communication in supporting organisational strategy. It covers various aspects such as internal and external communication, stakeholder management, crisis communication, and reputation management.
  • Finance for Strategic Managers: This module provides an understanding of financial management principles and their application in strategic decision-making. Topics covered may include financial analysis, budgeting, investment appraisal, and financial risk management.
  • Personal Development and Leadership: This module focuses on personal and professional development, enhancing leadership skills, and fostering effective teamwork and collaboration.
  • Research for Strategic Development: This module equips learners with research skills and techniques to gather, analyse, and interpret data for strategic decision-making. It covers research methodologies, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques.
  • Organisational Behaviour: This module explores the individual and group behavior within organisations and its impact on organisational effectiveness. Topics covered may include motivation, leadership styles, team dynamics, and organisational culture.

The MBA program for strategic management is assessed through a combination of quizzes, exams, and final assignments. This assessment structure ensures that learners demonstrate their understanding of the course material and their ability to apply it effectively.

Quizzes: Quizzes are often used as a formative assessment tool throughout the program. They are designed to assess learners’ knowledge and comprehension of specific topics covered in the modules. Quizzes may be conducted online and can include multiple-choice questions, true/false statements, or short answer questions.

Exams: Exams are typically conducted at specific intervals or at the end of each module. They assess learners’ comprehensive understanding of the subject matter and their ability to analyse, evaluate, and synthesise information. Exams may include a mix of multiple-choice questions, essay questions, and case studies.

Final Assignments: The program may also include final assignments that require learners to apply their knowledge and skills to real-world scenarios or case studies. These assignments are designed to assess learners’ ability to analyse complex situations, develop strategic solutions, and present their findings in a structured and coherent manner.

The accrediting body sets the guidelines and standards for assessment, ensuring fairness and consistency in the evaluation process. Learners are typically provided with clear assessment criteria and guidelines to help them understand the expectations and requirements for each assessment component.

Yes, the MBA  program for strategic management is recognised and accredited by the ATHE (Awards for Training and Higher Education) and CMI (Chartered Management Institute).

ATHE Accreditation: ATHE is a UK-based organisation that provides qualifications in various sectors, including business and management. Their accreditation ensures that the MBA program meets rigorous quality standards and is aligned with industry requirements. ATHE’s accreditation signifies that the program has undergone a thorough review process and is delivered by qualified educators, offering learners a reputable and recognised qualification.

CMI Accreditation: The Chartered Management Institute (CMI) is a professional management body based in the UK. Their accreditation validates that the MBA  program meets CMI’s professional standards for strategic management education. CMI accreditation ensures that the program has a strong focus on practical skills and prepares learners for leadership roles in the field of strategic management. It also provides learners with opportunities to gain CMI membership and access to resources and networking within the management community.

By being accredited by both ATHE and CMI, the MBA program for strategic management attains a dual recognition. Learners completing this program can be assured that they are earning a qualification that is respected and valued by employers, as well as aligned with industry standards and best practices in strategic management.

Yes, the MBA program for strategic management can be taken online and is exclusively available through the ed app. The program is designed to be fully delivered online, allowing learners to access all course materials, lectures, assignments, and resources through the dashboard. This means that learners can participate in the program from anywhere with an internet connection, without the need to attend physical classroom sessions.

The online delivery format provides flexibility and convenience for learners, as they can study at their own pace and manage their learning schedule according to their personal commitments. Through the dashboard, learners can engage in interactive learning activities, participate in online discussions, and submit their assignments electronically.

Offering the program online through the dashboard, it enables a modern and accessible learning experience, catering to the needs of learners who prefer or require the flexibility of online education. It also allows learners from different geographical locations to enroll and participate in the program, expanding the reach and inclusivity of strategic management education.

The MBA program for strategic management can open up various career opportunities across different industries and sectors. Graduates of this program acquire a range of skills and knowledge that are highly valued by employers, making them well-equipped for strategic and leadership roles. Some potential career paths that graduates may pursue include:

Strategic Manager: Graduates can take on strategic management roles within organisations, where they are responsible for developing and implementing strategic plans, analysing market trends, and making informed business decisions.

Business Consultant: With their expertise in strategic management, graduates can work as consultants, providing advice and guidance to organisations on strategic initiatives, process improvements, and organisational effectiveness.

Business Development Manager: Graduates may choose to pursue roles as business development managers, focusing on identifying growth opportunities, building strategic partnerships, and expanding the organisation’s market presence.

Project Manager: The strategic management skills acquired in the program are transferable to project management roles. Graduates can lead and oversee strategic projects, ensuring their successful execution and alignment with organisational goals.

Entrepreneur/Startup Founder: The program equips graduates with the knowledge and skills to identify business opportunities and develop viable strategies. This can be valuable for those interested in starting their own ventures or joining startups in strategic roles.

Operations Manager: Graduates can pursue careers as operations managers, overseeing the efficient functioning of business operations and implementing strategic initiatives to improve productivity and optimize resources.

Market Research Analyst: With their understanding of strategic marketing and research skills, graduates can work as market research analysts, conducting market analysis, identifying consumer trends, and providing insights to support strategic decision-making.

Leadership and Executive Positions: The program also prepares graduates for leadership and executive positions within organisations, where they can guide and shape the strategic direction of the company.

These are just a few examples of the career opportunities that the MBA  program for strategic management can lead to. The skills and knowledge gained through the program are applicable across industries, allowing graduates to pursue diverse career paths based on their interests and aspirations.

The Learner Tier is a subscription package that offers access to one course per month.

The subscription period for the Learner Tier is on a monthly basis with automatic renewal.

Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time before the next renewal date.

You will receive one course certificate of completion per month.

No, you can enroll in and access only one course at a time.

Yes, the maximum number of courses you can access in a month is two.

You can get a refund within 7 days from the original subscription date.

No refunds will be provided for any unused subscription period.

You can initiate the cancellation process through the Certifeka website.

No, Certifeka does not offer extensions to the subscription period.

The Professional Certificate Tier offers a 45-day subscription with access to specific course content.

Yes, you can request a 7-day extension, subject to approval.

You can submit two assignments for evaluation during your subscription.

CMI delivery is aimed within 10 days of course completion, and certificates are auto-generated upon finishing the course content.

You can request a refund within 7 days of your initial subscription date.

You’ll be given an allowance period, and extension decisions will be made by the Community Specialist.

Yes, you can, but a fee will apply for each extra assignment submission.

You’ll have a 1-month allowance period, and extension decisions will be at the discretion of the Community Specialist.

You can contact the support team through the provided contact details on Certifeka’s website.

We recommend submitting your assignment within the first four weeks of your subscription. This timeframe allows you to fully engage with the course content, seek help if needed, and ensure a timely verification process before your subscription concludes.

The Certifeka Expert Tier is a premium package offering 3 months of access to advanced courses.

Yes, you can request a 7-day extension for your subscription.

You can submit two assignments for each course you enroll in.

CMI delivery is aimed within 10 days of course completion, and certificates are auto-generated upon finishing the course content.

You will have access to a full track of 3 courses during your subscription.

Yes, you can submit additional assignments for a fee.

You’ll have a 1-month allowance period, and further extensions are at the discretion of the Community Specialist.

The Assignment Verification Fee is a charge of 150 EGP (Egyptian Pounds) that is applicable when requesting the verification of an assignment.

You can contact the support team using the contact details provided on the Certifeka website.

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